Claims processing
Despite our constant search to bring you the best quality service, problems may occur. In this case, please call your usual contact or by default by mail, stating "claim" on the letter, to the attention of the General Management at CIC’s head office, which will seek a solution or direct your request to the person concerned. In keeping with our claims management policy, we will acknowledge receipt of your request and a response will be provided, free of charge, within a maximum of two months, except in the occurrence of specific circumstances of which you would be informed.
If, despite all the due care we pay to your claim, you are not satisfied with the response provided, you can refer your case, free of charge and as you so choose, to either the CIC Ombudsman or the AMF Ombudsman. The referral to one or other of these ombudsmen is definitive and the choice is irrevocable.
The CIC Ombudsman M. le Médiateur du CIC 63 chemin Antoine Pardon 69160 TASSIN LA DEMI LUNE Cedex For more information, please consult the Mediation charter Mediation charter [PDF 34 Ko].
The AMF Ombudsman Le Médiateur - Autorité des Marchés Financiers 17, place de la Bourse 75082 PARIS CEDEX 02