Our market expertise is just a click away for our clients
CIC Market Solutions shares its insight into market trends with its financial institution clients in a video format, thanks to its live & replay function, available on CIC Market Solutions’ mobile app (iOS & Android) and on its website.
CIC Market Solutions records more than 15 hours of meetings each week and offers content tailored to investment directors, asset managers and buy-side analysts, etc. Depending on the topic, meetings can be daily, weekly, quarterly or on an ad hoc basis in connection with market or issuer newsflow. Investors can ask questions of our analysts (Economics and Strategy, Equity, Credit and Technical Analysis) or even the top management of a listed company, and thus enhance their market expertise. Market data and all of our Global Research publications complete the digital offer.
Thanks to its digital offering, CIC Market Solutions provides easy access to its market expertise. Wherever they are, investors are just one click away from detailed and varied analysis of the main market trends in video format.