What is digital accessibility?
The French general framework on improving digital accessibility (Référentiel général d'amélioration de l'accessibilité - RGAA) defines digital accessibility as the ability of online public communication services, notably websites and mobile applications, to include users who have a disability.
Content must be easily navigated and understood by a wide range of users, including users who have visual and auditory disabilities, and must be compatible with assistive technology.
Digital access concerns all users of online public communication services who may have a physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychic disability.
Our accessibility policy
We are constantly aware of the goals of digital accessibility in the design and creation of the websites and mobile applications that we make available to our customers and employees.
For this purpose, we have drawn up and published a multi-annual outline of our accessibility measures. Our digital accessibility policy and the annual actions plans to ensure that our website and related mobile applications comply with the requirements of the RGAA are included in that outline.
Accessibility statement
An accessibility audit is carried out to determine the level of compliance with the RGAA framework.
The accessibility statement describes the controls carried out and the related results.
View the accessibility statement
View the accessibility statement of iOS mobile application
View the accessibility statement of Android mobile application
Support in using the website
Browsing the main website
The website has a main browsing menu providing access to the various topics on the site.
This menu is always in the same place, regardless of the page.
Other browsing systems
- A site map can be accessed via a link at the bottom of the page.
Page structure
Each page is structured in the same way with three main zones:
- The banner or page header which is the main browsing tool
- The main content of the page
- The page footer
Browsing by title
The content on the main pages of the website can be read by clicking on specifically provided titles which:
- structure the information to enable easier understanding of the content
- enable a summary extract of the content to be obtained (via a screen reader or mentally)
- Screen readers provide direct shortcuts to a title or allow users to navigate from one title to another.
The hyperlinks at the start of a document allow easier navigation to the main sections of the page and access to key site functions. They are not visible by default but rather when reading a text.
They allow you to go directly to:
- The main content of the page
- The main menu
- The bottom of the page
Text size and zoom
Text sizes are always based on relative units and can be modified on most browsers.
Images on our website can be enlarged.
Browsing interactive content using the keyboard
The site contains embedded elements that function using JavaScript.
The most recent of these are designed for use with a keyboard and screen reader (e.g. JAWS or NVDA).